Attenzione! Hai un centro benessere e vorresti guadagnare di più offrendo un servizio mai visto prima?

“Chi altro vuole vedere la fila di fronte al proprio centro benessere e aumentare subito i propri guadagni, offrendo un servizio di relax ai propri clienti che non potranno trovare da nessun’altra parte?”

Diventa l’unico centro benessere o SPA a poter garantire qualcosa di originale, aumenta i tuoi guadagni fin da subito!

Nonostante sia stato molto selettivo nella mia scelta e abbia invitato solo le 60 strutture migliori d’Italia, so che risponderà solo chi ha veramente intenzione di rendere unica la propria struttura e guadagnare più soldi.

Spherison è così esclusivo che sarà presentato in anteprima nazionale solo a una ristretta élite di strutture, che abbiamo selezionato con cura. Tu sei tra i pochi che potranno accedere all’evento; qui troverai molte sorprese ad aspettarti e avrai la possibilità di vedere di persona quanto sia enorme il potenziale di Spherison.


Ora tocca a te: conferma la tua presenza all’evento di presentazione di Spherison a Casa Sanremo.

SPHERISON® sarà presentato MARTEDI 5 FEBBRAIO alle ore 15 (registrazione partecipanti ore 14.30) a CASA SANREMO presso il teatro Pino Daniele, Corso G. Garibaldi 1, 18038 Sanremo (IM)

Al termine della presentazione sarà offerto agli ospiti un aperitivo.

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Se vuoi iniziare a guadagnare di più, devi offrire ai tuoi Clienti qualcosa che non potranno trovare da nessun’altra parte. Quello che avrai modo di leggere di seguito, sarà tutto quello che hai sempre voluto sapere per iniziare a guadagnare tanto fin da subito.

Mi chiamo Pierluigi Micheletti e dopo anni di esperienza come manager nel campo dell’Information & Communication Technology, insieme agli inventori del Sound 6D abbiamo messo a punto e brevettato Spherison, un dispositivo unico al mondo e destinato solo ai migliori Hotel, Spa e Centri Benessere.

Cos’è Spherison?

• È il primo cuscino wellness al mondo che suona in 6D grazie alle ali laterali con audio diffusori. • È progettato per garantire uno stato di rilassamento profondo.

• Ti permette di personalizzare al massimo i servizi di benessere che offri, garantendo ai tuoi clienti un servizio unico, mai visto prima.

Perché dovresti credere a quello che ti sto dicendo? Per almeno tre buoni motivi!

Motivo 1 Spherison è il primo cuscino wellness sonoro al mondo che ti permetterà di rendere i tuoi servizi unici e inimitabili, garantendo il massimo del benessere a ogni tuo cliente.

Motivo 2 Grazie alle caratteristiche di Spherison, non solo vedrai la fila davanti al tuo centro benessere, ma vedrai tornare i tuoi clienti a ogni occasione possibile, in compagnia di amici e parenti curiosi di provarlo a loro volta.

Motivo 3 Chi lo ha provato ha dichiarato di non aver mai sperimentato niente di simile. Dai un’occhiata a questa testimonianza:

“I nostri Clienti sono veramente entusiasti e ormai, chi ha provato Spherison non ci vuole più rinunciare. Ho aumentato i ricavi e i guadagni del mio centro benessere, sia utilizzando il dispositivo in abbinamento ai miei massaggi, che come nuovo servizio di postazione relax e sound wellness. Con quest’ultima modalità non devo nemmeno impegnare personale. Nell’ultimo mese ho acquisito anche otto nuovi Clienti e ho recuperato l’investimento fatto in poco più di quattro mesi.”

Elena Cavallini – Titolare Centro Benessere Kalos a Ponsacco PI

Se vuoi aumentare i tuoi guadagni e offrire un servizio unico, che ti differenzierà immediatamente dalla concorrenza, che farà tornare i tuoi clienti nel tuo centro benessere a ogni occasione possibile, devi offrire loro qualcosa che non potranno trovare da nessun’altra parte.

Se stai leggendo le mie parole, allora significa che ti ho personalmente selezionato come uno dei migliori centri benessere in Italia. Complimenti!

E la tua concorrenza non vorrebbe mai che tu leggessi queste parole.

Voglio invitarti personalmente all’evento di presentazione a Casa Sanremo che si terrà Martedi 5 Febbraio alle ore 15:00 dove potrai scoprire tutte le caratteristiche di Spherison, lo potrai provare e potrai immaginare come implementarlo al meglio nella tua struttura per differenziare il tuo business da tutti gli altri. Grazie a Spherison:

  • Inizierai a guadagnare molto di più fin da subito.
  • Renderai il tuo centro unico ed esclusivo.
  • Vedrai i tuoi clienti lasciare la tua struttura appagati e felici.
  • Vedrai tornare i tuoi clienti a ogni occasione possibile.


The First Wellness Pillow that Sounds in 6D


The First Wellness Pillow that Sounds in 6D


The relaxing power of a surrounding Sound

The First Wellness Pillow that Sounds in 6D

What is Spherison?

If you want to provide your customers with a once-in-a-lifetime-experience Spherison is the patented device, you were looking for.

It is a pillow with a patented sound diffusion system that allows the listener to enjoy a NATURAL sound bath and the most exciting relaxing sensation ever.

Being such an exclusive device, it is exclusively intended for the best Hotel, Wellness Centers, SPAs and Beauty Salon we personally select.

Who is Spherison for?

The best technology, only for the best

Luxury Hotel

Pamper your guests. Surprise them with a Spherison pillow in their suite. Your guest will be embraced by the sound and have the opportunity to relax after an entire day full of tiring meetings and events. Their stress levels will be reduced and your guests will enjoy some time for themselves.

Wellness Center & Spa

Every Wellness Center and Spa provide their guests with amazing and relaxing massages. If you want to be the reference point for all those who are looking for a DEEP and INCREDIBLE relax you only have to be selected to have Spherison.

Top Beauty Farm

If you want to enhance your beauty, you have to take care of your inner side. If you own a Beauty Farm and would like to offer your customers something INNOVATIVE and THAT REALLY WORKS, Spherison is the answer. Create your exclusive relaxing room to let your Clients enjoy something incredible.

Why choosing Spherison?

Provide your customers with the ultimate relaxing sound treatment

Click on the titles to find out more

WOW! That’s incredible! Amazing! That is what people say after having tried the sensorial experience provided by Spherison. All those sounds move, pulse, dance in space. Suddenly they stop, cuddling the client. Then, they pull away from the listener, to come back again. Your clients will have the chance to experience incredible emotions. They will be impressed, but above all, they will reach an incredible state of relaxation and a regeneration feeling never experienced before. You will know it by just looking at their faces.

Spherison is the best for those clients who want to rapidly relax and regenerate. It only takes 15 minutes of listening to experience the 6D sounds and their embrace, reaching an incredible and unique state of relaxing and wellness. For those clients who have a lot of time to devote to their inner-self, Spherison is the key to access a new wellness dimension in just 30-45 minutes. Your clients can travel and discover sound landscapes and experience incredible sensorial sensations.

Spherison helps your facility and offer standing out thanks to its innovative and revolutionary patented technology. It is something like no others. You can exploit this outstanding wellness tool to make your client comfortably experience something unique thanks to the 6D sound landscapes.

The experience provided by Spherison is unforgettable. Your clients will share their experience with their friends who will come and visit your facility to try it on themselves. The word of mouth is one of the strongest forms of advertisement. Are you ready to attract new clients?

Spherison’s exclusivity allows you to increase your facility’s value providing your clients with a new wellness product. It is very easy to install; you won’t have to face any fitting-out works. During the listening session, your staff can spend their time doing something else since Spherison doesn’t require their presence to work. Spherison doesn’t have any operating costs. It is instantly functional, allows you to earn more in a short period of time, gaining a faster ROI if compared to any other wellness tool.

You can tie the Spherison experience with your relaxing or activating treatments to enhance their results.

Your treatments won’t be the same.

The only things you need to create your firsts sound wellness station is a massage table and a wall socket. That’s it. The device guarantees great mobility so you don’t have to use it in just a single room. Spherison has no side effects. It is great for everyone. The regenerating sound bath it provides helps every client to turn off their mind forgetting every concern and worry.

Spherison is only reserved for the best centers. Its incredible uniqueness is the perfect match with all those centers who create and provide their clients with special environments to experience something unique.

Spherison: a unique experience for your Clients

A true 6D revolution for the wellness field


Make your Centre exclusive and renew your wellness offer by creating the first "Experience Room 6D".

All you need is a small, well-kept and private environment, a massage table or sofa on which to place Spherison and the first Experience Room 6D for your customers is ready!

From the Spherison 6D App choose the most suitable content for your client. By comfortably laying with their head on the device, your client’s travel within a new sensory dimension and their first cerebral audio massage ever will begin.

The Sound 6D contents created for the wellness world and the exclusive structure of the pillow create a unique mix to let go and enjoy the magical and fascinating power of music and environmental sounds in 6D. Your client can reach other relaxing dimensions to experience new emotional and wellness states.


Impress your customers with an unmatched and personalized relaxation experience thanks to Spherison.

At the end of your SPA’s wellness journey make your best clients relax with Spherison, don’t use the same ambient music which is always the same for all! You can offer your best clients the opportunity to choose the 6D sound landscapes especially created for them to relax

Your clients can finally enjoy a listening, embracing experience that improves the journey results. Don’t be surprised if they fall asleep: Sperison’s relaxation level is unmatched.


Your staff experience combined with the embracing sound landscapes of Spherison will make every massage experience unforgettable.

Body, sacrocranial, hand and feet massages are particularly suitable to be combined with Spherison.

More than 87% of customers who already experienced a massage combined with Spherison want to have seconded the next time and easily acknowledge the greater value of the treatment.


Those who choose a luxury hotel want to be pampered and have a top service. Thanks to Spherison, you can enrich and make your offer unique by transforming your suite into an Experience Room 6D. A new and exclusive service reserved for the most demanding customers aware of their privacy. Your guests will enter the new Spherison world, be carried away in a harmonic sensory dimension and will be enthusiastic and often incredulous about the beneficial effects of using Spherison. A good way to pamper your customers and not be forgotten!


Spherison allows your client to live and see their favorite landscapes.

By the pool, your client will be in the middle of the see. In the garden of your SPA, it will be like being on the shore of a mountain stream. Let them enjoy the Tuscan countryside under a starry sky without moving from your spa’s cabin. Your client’s bedroom will turn into a Tibetan temple.

Spherison – the first wellness pillow that sounds in 6D – provides your client with the clear sensation of existing in the sound landscape that embraces them.

This exclusive sound wellness station guarantees a regenerating sound-bath, leaving all the anxieties and worries behind

Sound 6D

The New Frontier of Sound

You may recall the feeling of being in the midst of the most unspoiled nature. The wind whistles through the moving leaves. Birds chirp through the trees, a far river flows. We are not used to experiencing all these elements because we are used to the hectic city life.

Spherison and Sound 6D technology allow recalling the same natural sensation by simply lying on a bed or sofa. The recording and reproduction technology designed in the PPG Studios, in Tuscany, allows Spherison to evoke all the sounds of nature, their spatiality, and all the related details.


Unlike 3D and surround technology, the new technique allows you to reproduce the real direction of the origin of each sound in the room, fully embracing the listener.

The user dives into the sounds feeling them close to their body, as in real life.


The revolutionary technology of sound recording and reproduction is “made in Italy”.

Sound 6D was born in Tuscany in the PPG Studios from an intuition of Pierpaolo Guerrini, sound engineer, and composer, and Lando Santerini, musician, entrepreneur, and his close collaborator for many years.

The contents of Sound 6D® are recorded with a unique patented microphone called Cocleo, with which the settings, music, voices, and sounds of any kind can be heard again as in the same position like the original shot.


From sound recording to reproducing. Sound 6D contents are the results of a rigorous design process developed from the designing of sound paths in collaboration with music therapists to the recording of the sounds using the innovative microphone Clocleo 6D.

Then, in our recording studio, the Audioemotion Sound 6D professionals process and refine the recordings using top equipment for the audio acquisition, both in the analog and digital part, the same used for the numerous recordings of artists at the highest international level.


When talent meets art and technique, something unique comes out.

Sound 6D can be defined as the first cochlear recording that in addition to the most sophisticated binaural recording, allows you to achieve sound quality, detail and spatiality levels never achieved before. A new frontier of sound with countless fields of application.

For its extraordinary innovative scope, Sound 6D® has already received numerous prestigious endorsements; from the famous physicist and inventor, Federico Faggin, to the great tenor, Andrea Bocelli. Unlike 3D and surround technology, the new technique allows you to reproduce the real direction of the origin of each sound in the room, fully embracing the listener.

Sound 6D is a revolution that is going to change the listening experience forever

What Science Says

Sounds, Music and Wellness


The sound is really powerful more than a man can imagine.
Every living being is a "sound", said Sri Vemu Mukunda, a nuclear physicist and great Indian musician who researched the phenomena of sound with the curiosity of the scientist combined with the love of the musician.

"Just as light, if focused and directed in a particular way it can kill or heal. Likewise, it can happen for Sound". He added: "Let's go back to Sound; moving away from the original and creative vibration we got lost and disconnected from our source of spiritual energy".

We have to come back to the sound as a wellness source. The human being plays and resonates regardless of whether he knows how to sing or play.

The quantum physics recently said that sound will sooner or later allow the reprogramming of the various cells of our body. This may be great to make people not age or regenerate their bodies for curative purposes.

The future cannot do without sound.


In the scientific field, there are many types of researches that showed the beneficial effects of sounds and music on our brain.

An important research carried out in 2012 by the Section of Neurological Clinic of the Department of Medical-Surgical Disciplines of Communication and Behaviour of the University of Ferrara, states that by listening to cheerful or sentimental,
exciting or relaxing music changes occur in the vegetative nervous system (or involuntary autonomic system) that regulates blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, sweating, and other physiological reactions.

Music induces feelings and emotions that activate motivational reward circuits, the cerebral hemispheres, the midbrain and orbitofrontal regions and the amygdala, the brain gland that manages emotions.

When music is used exclusively or in addition to other treatments it brings the listener in a psychological atmosphere by depolarizing their attention and making the non-musical information blurry. In this way, there are more favorable conditions for living in a more intense way their deep contents.

Other effects are added such as the reduction of psychic tension, the lowering or raising of defensive formations, the establishment of conditioned reflexes, and other manifestations that can be used for therapeutic purposes if properly controlled and analyzed. (TEXTS FROM THE STUDY).


The studies showed that our brain turns on like a Christmas tree when we listen to music.

Everyone knows that music can lead us everywhere in time and space, moving us. Music and sounds are a great natural remedy to lower the anxiety and stress levels, as well as being a fundamental aid in psychomotor recovery.

Thanks to Spherison and Sound 6D, the evocative and transformative power of sounds and music has been developed in such a way as to make the listening experience unique.
With the reproduction of sounds recorded in 6D, the listener is totally immersed in them, perceiving them with a quality and punctuality that amplifies the impulses received by our brain.
This causes greater effectiveness of the results in terms of well-being, relaxation, and complete abandonment, inducing the person to live a real journey through the soundscapes designed specifically for this type of experience.


What do the experts say?

Everyone loves Spherison and the relaxing sensation it guarantees, especially if combined with another wellness/beauty treatment. Physicist and inventor Federico Faggin and great tenor Andrea Bocelli say that Sound 6D is an actual REVOLUTION and INNOVATION in the listening experience field.

“Listen to a pure sound and dive into an incredible sensory experience. That sound seems to come from every direction and it embraces the listener. This is a revolution and it will change the listening experience forever.”

Pierpaolo Guerrini – co-founder, producer, and Sound Engineer

A sound that heals your soul

You may already know that music and sound can reduce the stress levels thanks to the psychophysical wellness feeling they deliver. Sound 6D and Spherison allow your customers to release all the anxiety and stress accumulated, offering them the opportunity to completely relax in a sound environment evoked by the wellness pillow.

What makes Spherison so special?


This device is made with high-quality electronic materials and components. Its patented technical properties comply with the natural human anatomical conformation allowing the listener to enjoy special musical and environmental audio contents according to well-defined parameters, in a harmonic and surprising way. Simply place Spherison on any massage table or sofa, use the dedicated APP already installed on the provided table, and offer your customers a new and attractive “sound wellness” station


Thanks to Spherison and Sound 6D technology, your guest dives into space and feels embraced by the sounds coming from all directions. This is a holistic experience they can’t find anywhere else. The listener is literally embraced by the sound and lives an incredible sensorial experience.


The special pillow-shaped device was designed to be suitable for every bed, sofa, or chaise longue armchair. These are its main features:

  • Padded technological support for the head
  • Fireproof and antibacterial faux leather cover, easily washable
  • Removable central insert in a cotton blend
  • Insert with a hole in a cotton blend for facial accommodation
  • Side wings with audio speakers
  • Built-in amplifier
  • Power supply unit
  • Tablet with stand
  • Spherison app for managing and listening to the 6D pre-installed content
  • A series of 6D Sound content included
  • User and maintenance guide
  • 6D Content Guide


Choose your Spherison color to integrate it at its best in your environment.







Our upholsterer masters can coat your Spherison with different colors and materials to meet your needs.

You can also choose to put your structure’s logo embroidery on the pillow.

Spherison App

The 6D experience just a tap away


From the Tuscan sea to the suggestions of an African night, passing from the singing birds to the rain of D'Annunzio. Surrounded by the crickets of a night in the country, bewitched by a piano phrasing with shkers rotating. Tibetan bells, gong baths, ocean drum, caxixi, ansula, swarmandal, and many other instruments and sounds to live unique and immersive sound landscapes.



Thanks to an intuitive interface, you can select the existing playlists and favorite contents. With a simple touch, you can switch between the contents of the selected playlist, play the songs, pause, turn on or off the continuous loop function and adjust the volume.



Do you want to create your own playlist to offer your customers your musical journey? From the app panel, you can easily create your own playlists, assigning them the name you want and selecting the content you prefer.



Thanks to a User Manual, each of your employees can easily activate the App and connect it to the Spherison device. In addition, the Content Guide gives you all the information and experiences you need to offer your customers. Just a few clicks and your Spherison is ready to use and wrap your customer in 6D sounds from all directions.

